Sunday, April 26, 2020

Flattening the Curve, Day 39

flatten the curve, flatten the coronavirus curve, flatten the COVID-19 curve, flatten the coronavirus COVID-19 curve, Defenders of the Golden Tree Forest collage by June Anderson of Under The Pllum Blossom Tree blog, original vintage paper hand cut collage by June Anderson of Under The Plum Blossom Tree blog, original hand cuts vintage paper collage by June Anderson of Under The Plum Blossom Tree blog, Defenders of the Golden Tree Forest June Anderson
Defenders of the Golden Tree Forest
Hello friends. Today is my thirty-ninth day of mandatory leave from my government work site due to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.

Since the chaos of the pandemic settled down and our family established itself into the new reality of quarantine for the foreseeable future, I've been able to develop an art practice that is consistent and am making steady progress towards having a body of work.

I am a slow maker. There is never a lack of ideas for content, rather I enjoy the process and take my time. I usually know what my starting point is and have fun anticipating the direction the creative process will take me in and what supporting elements will show themselves.

For example, in Defenders of the Golden Tree Forest, above, I knew that I wanted to place the woman and the spoons together somehow. Yes, those are spoons. Art Deco spoons. Gold Art Deco spoons! (Did you notice that shine?) Hand forged, no doubt. Once I cut out the woman and the spoon elements and placed them together I realized that the woman's hands are positioned exactly right for wielding one of the 'golden trees' from the forest she is defending. When I did that, I had to laugh to myself because I was sure that my son Tayo would like it as he has a great interest in role playing video games. And sure enough, he did like it!

The rest of the composition came together by searching around in my stash of vintage books, where I came upon the coyote (the other 'forest defender' in this story), mushrooms and birds.

I'm looking forward to showing you my next collage that I am currently working on. Plus I have one other one ready to be glued down. Progress.

I hope you are also settled into comfortable routines in your quarantine and are finding interesting ways to keep your body healthy and your mind sane.

See you again soon.


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