Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Flattening the Curve, Day 21

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Hello everyone. It's the twenty-first day of my mandatory leave from my job due to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic and I think I am finally feeling like things have settled down and that the required quarantine our household is required to participate in is in full force. How about you?

At first, learning how to Stay Home, Stay Safe  felt like a huge learning curve. It really shines a light on how insidious we can be, always running from one activity to the next, don't you think? It requires a lot of organization. But now that it's been three weeks, living life at a bare minimum is shining a light on what is essential.

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Every morning I listen to about an hour of news and I literally cry for my fellow human beings. The tremendous suffering of those inflicted with this terrible disease fills my heart with sadness and that is what keeps me committed to doing my part to help flatten the curve.

And like everything else in life, it takes practice.

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One thing that makes my heart happy though, is to find activities that keep my mind busy and focused. Recently, I decided  to grab my camera and take a close look around my garden to see what springtime wonders mother nature has for me to inspect. As I was looking out there from my kitchen window recently, I was lamenting that this beautiful season has been passing me by, unnoticed, as I, like probably nearly all of you, have been preoccupied by the current state of affairs.

flatten the coronavirus curve, flatten the COVID-19 curve, coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic, what to do during coronavirus pandemic, coronavirus during spring 2020, Governor Kate Brown Stay Home Stay Safe, Oregon garden in early spring, backyard garden in spring, spring garden in Oregon, passing the time in quarantine during coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic

Do you live somewhere that is also experiencing a stay at home order during this pandemic? What activities are you able to enjoy during this time of quarantine?


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