Hello everyone, how are your days of staying home and staying safe going?
Today, Sunday, is my eighteenth day of mandatory leave from my government job due to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. For me, today feels more like a normal, low key, quiet kind of Sunday - I've stayed away from my news feed. Do you take breaks from the news as a way of managing your mental health?
Today, Sunday, is my eighteenth day of mandatory leave from my government job due to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. For me, today feels more like a normal, low key, quiet kind of Sunday - I've stayed away from my news feed. Do you take breaks from the news as a way of managing your mental health?
I hope you don't mind if I take this opportunity to let you know that I have a vintage tea ware shop on Etsy called Vintage Tea Treasures. I started my Etsy shop back in 2016 after I became obsessed with styling pretty photographs for my Instagram feed using the beautiful vintage tea ware I would find at estate sales and charity shops as props.
Styling and photographing for Instagram was fun, but once I got the bug for business, I continued to add more items to the shop and now there are over 100 listings to choose from. More recently, I've added a small section of vintage gifts to the shop. My passion for all things vintage and for studying the history of the decorative arts keeps me engaged in the vintage market community and I enjoy sharing my knowledge both in my shop listings and here on the blog.
Small business owners like me need your support now more than ever. With my mandatory leave from my 'in real life job' uncertain, a few Vintage Tea Treasures sales could help sustain my family. I provide excellent customer service and ship orders fast and reliably. I would also like to offer you a coupon code for ten percent off any purchase from my shop. Just use code PLUMBLOSSOM10 to receive your discount. #standwithsmall
Thank you and I hope you have a safe and peaceful evening.
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