Tuesday, October 13, 2015

DIY: Autumn Hydrangea Wreath

Do It Yourself, DIY, Hydrangea wreath, how to make a hydrangea wreath, make a hydrangea wreath

Hydrangea, also known as Hortensia, is a flowering shrub native to eastern Asia and the Americas. It is very easy to grow and produces large pom-pom flowers which bloom from spring through autumn. If you have hydrangeas in your garden, you may notice that the stems of the flowers are starting to dry at this time of the year. Now is a good time to take your cuttings and prepare them for this very easy autumn wreath.

First, gather your flowers. Cut long stems and place them in a container in which you've added just a few inches of water. Place your container in a cool shady spot:  

Hydrangea, hydrangea, hydrangea flowers
The idea here is to give them just enough water to keep them moist while the water slowly evaporates.  What happens is the flowers will dry but the petals will stay fresh looking.  My cut flowers sat in this watering can for about two weeks before I made my wreath.  

Once your flowers are dry, gather your supplies:  a wreath form of your choosing, some junky scissors, and some florist wire:

hydrangea wreath, Hydrangea wreath, supplies to make a hydrangea wreath, what do I need to make a hydrangea wreath

I purchased a grapevine wreath at a craft store, and it's about 22" in diameter.

The next step is to start placing the flowers around the wreath form to get an idea of how many you need and decide on placement:

hydrangea wreath, do it yourself hydrangea wreath, how to make a hydrangea wreath, placement of flowers for a hydrangea wreath, dried hydrangea flowers

Once you know how many flowers you will be using, cut a length of wire for each flower head. I used 12 flower heads and cut my wire into about 8 inch lengths.  

Next cut the stems from your flower heads, leaving about 2-3 inches:

hydrangea wreath, Hydrangea wreath, do it yourself hydrangea wreath, cutting hydrangea flowers for wreath, cutting hydrangea flower heads for wreath

I let the size of the flower heads dictate the placement on my wreath, putting the four largest flowers at the top, bottom, and sides, and then filling in the other areas of the wreath with the smaller flowers.  I also paid attention to color and weight balance with the remaining flowers.

hydrangea wreath, Hydrangea wreath, placement of flowers for hydrangea wreath, do it yourself hydrangea wreath

Now simply place a piece of wire through the dried stem of each flower like this:

hydrangea wreath, Hydrangea wreath, do it yourself hydrangea wreath, how to make a hydrangea wreath, placement of wire for hydrangea wreath

Then place the flower on top of the wreath and carefully lift the wreath and wrap the wire around it and twist it in the back to secure it onto the wreath:

securing hydrangea to wreath, how to make a hydrangea wreath, do it yourself hydrangea wreath

Do this until all your flowers are fastened to the wreath.  

An afterthought I had was to use a hot glue gun and glue some of the dried leaves in various places around the wreath, tucking them here and there.

hydrangea wreath, Hydrangea wreath, glueing leaves onto a hydrangea wreath, how to make a hydrangea wreath, do it yourself hydrangea wreath

And now your wreath is ready to hang and enjoy!  I added a blue ribbon to mine.  I love blue!

hydrangea wreath, Hydrangea wreath, how to make a hydrangea wreath, do it yourself hydrangea wreath

I hung this wreath on my front porch, and over time the colors of the flowers will continue to fade.  So if you want your flowers to become 'antiqued' or 'shabby-chic' looking, that would be how to affect it.  I can say though, that if you want the colors to remain as they are, then keep your wreath inside and away from direct light.   

Do you enjoy wreath making?  What materials do you use?  

Thanks for reading!



  1. The colours of your wreath look absolutely stunning! I love the combination of fading green, purple and blue. I have never made a wreath, I might try it this year. I have cut some of my hydrangeas and just put the flowers in a jug. Still have to make an arrangement!

    1. Thanks Pauline! I wish I knew the secret to how those colors turned out that way, but I'm not quite sure. I think it has to do with how much light the flowers get over the course of the season. My hydrangea bush gets a lot of both sun and shade and I think that sun produces more pinks and shade produces more blues, but if you leave the flowers on the bush through the autumn season, they complete their color change to the oranges and reds. I've also heard about placing pennies around the base of the bush to make more blues - something to do with the soil. In fact I have of bunch of pennies and I'm going to do that when we prepare our garden for the winter.


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