Thursday, March 26, 2020

Flattening the Curve, Day 8

flatten the curve day 8, COVID-19 flatten the curve, flatten the COVID-19 curve, stay home stay safe, family memories during pandemic, coronavirus pandemic, how to survive coronavirus pandemic, family together during COVID-19 pandemic, memory keeping during pandemic, How the Pandemic Will End, President Barack Obama

Friends, today's image is not to boast about my recent birthday nor is it to brag about how perfect my family is or how happy I am.

Rather, it's a time stamp on a moment that occurred before the COVID-19 pandemic struck my country. And, perhaps, it is a moment where I will forever look back on it as 'that time before the pandemic' and as 'the time before I was put on mandatory leave from my government job'.

We now all share this pivotal moment which has changed our daily life as we knew it. Those marks we made on our calendars to set aside time for important family events, photographs taken and shared, gifts, greeting cards, bits of wrapping paper or ribbons saved as evidence that 'this happened' - and now, we don't know where all of this is going, do we?

I have been an avid memory keeper and scrapbooker for a number of years. I know that everyone (including me and my family) is scrambling for survival. But let's not let this situation allow us to loose sight of who we are or of what is important to us.

flatten the curve day 8, COVID-19 flatten the curve, flatten the COVID-19 curve, stay home stay safe, family memories during pandemic, coronavirus pandemic, how to survive coronavirus pandemic, family together during COVID-19 pandemic, memory keeping during pandemic, How the Pandemic Will End, President Barack Obama

My hope is that as we find our new rhythms and patterns of existence that we are able to take time to appreciate those precious memories of the past, and, at the very least, be able to document in some way those photographs which have the most meaning.

Even if all you have is a stack of photos that you haven't had time to do anything with, now could be the time to take a soft pencil and write the date, time, place and people appearing in them on the backside.

I was reading an article in The Atlantic last night - How the Pandemic Will End. And then I saw this morning on Twitter that President Obama was recommending it be read. It is based on science, facts and the opinions of professionals - something the world desperately needs right now.

Take care family and friends.


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