Monday, March 30, 2020

Flattening the Curve, Day 12

flatten the curve, coronavirus COVID-19 flatten the curve, how to flatten the coronavirus curve, spring camellias in Oregon, how I can contribute to flattening the coronavirus curve, how to flatten the coronavirus curve

It's Monday evening and my household is beginning to wind down for the day.

I spent today in communication with my health care provider to determine what my status with my employer would be. Just a few days ago the CDC raised the age requirements in the high risk group for coronavirus (COVID-19) from 60 to 65.

I was sent home from my work site almost two weeks ago because I am age 60 (hello fellow 'seniors'!) and I was puzzled by the change. As it turns out, if you live with someone that is 65 and over (which I do) then, still, that is reason to stay in quarantine.

So with that business taken care of, I can continue to think about what I can contribute to my country, the state of Oregon, Lane county and the town I live in to flatten the curve from home as I continue to socially isolate. As I told my sister Joyce recently, my voice in the blog world is tiny, but I still have one!

I have three links to share today. The first is a New York Times article about how Coronavirus Could Overwhelm U.S. Without Urgent Action. If you are a visual person like me you will appreciate the interactive map at the end of the article and there are graphs for every state in the United States.

Another article from the New York Times that just came out today entitled Restrictions Are Slowing Coronavirus Infections, New Data Suggest, provides a glimmer of hope that the extreme quarantine and social distancing measures now in place in most states may actually be working.

And lastly, Vox is answering all of our grocery shopping questions from proper etiquette to supply and demand in Your coronavirus grocery questions, answered by experts. (This title is not a typo - I guess they do not properly punctuate?)

Well, it's late and I am trying to stick with a reasonable bed time. I hope you are doing the same.

Till next time family and friends.

P.S. Camellias photo taken last spring on the local community college campus. 


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