Friday, May 15, 2020

Flattening the Curve, Day 58

flatten the curve, flatten the coronavirus curve, flatten the COVID-19 curve, flatten the coronavirus COVID-19 curve, coronavirus COVID-19 world pandemic 2020, Changing the Rules of the Game collage by June Anderson of Under The Plum Blossom Tree blog, hand cut vintage paper collage by June Anderson of Under The Plum Blossom Tree, vintage paper hand cut collage by June Anderson of Under The Plum Blossom Tree blog
Changing the Rules of the Game
Hello friends. This is the fifty-eighth day of my mandatory leave from my work site due to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic and the county in which I live is officially opening back up today under Phase 1.

That means there are still restrictions in place and masks and social distancing are strongly recommended. For example restaurants are allowed to open but travel is still prohibited. It is good news that we are moving forward and that it is being done cautiously. It's still going to be a little while before I know definitively about my returning to my job, so until then I will keep making art and sharing it here.

The collage I'm sharing today, Changing the Rules of the Game, is my way of stating that the rules that we have been living under, up until the world pandemic hit, have not worked for so many people and need to change.

The silver figure, above, is thought to have been made by a young Leonardo de Vinci as part of an alter panel titled Beheading of St. John the Baptist and was created for the Baptistery in Florence Italy. In my depiction, he is contemplating the world as it is while at the same time reflecting on ways in which governments, economies and people can shift to make the 'game' more equitable for everyone.

Thanks for looking and see you again soon.


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